Keynote Speakers
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The Keynote speakers already confirmed for the Congress are (in alphabetical order):
Diana Laurillard
Diana Laurillard is Professor of Learning with Digital Technologies at the London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education, leading research projects on developing the Learning Designer suite of tools for teachers and trainers, and on software interventions for adult learners with low numeracy and dyscalculia.
She is also Assistant Director for Open Mode learning at the Institute of Education.
Previous roles include: Head of the e-Learning Strategy Unit at the Department for Education and Skills, where she developed the first cross-sector e-learning strategy on ‘Harnessing Technology’; Pro-Vice-Chancellor for learning technologies and teaching at The Open University; the Visiting Committee on IT at Harvard University; Royal Society Working Group on Educational Neuroscience.
She is Chair of the Association for Learning Technology, and is on the Boards of the E-Learning Foundation, and the UNESCO Institute for IT in Education in Moscow.
Her most recent book is Teaching as a Design Science: Building Pedagogical Patterns for Learning and Technology, Routledge, 2012. Her previous book, Rethinking University Teaching, Routledge, 2002, is one of the most widely cited in the field, and is translated into Chinese. Brian Butterworth, Sashank Varma, and Diana Laurillard (2011) Dyscalculia: From Brain to Education, Science, Vol. 332 no.6033 pp. 1049-1053.
María Ángeles Rebollo Catalán
Informação biográfica
María Ángeles Rebollo Catalán is a titular professor in the Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education of the Seville University.
Maria Ángeles is in charge of the projects “Teón XXI: Creación de Recursos Online para el Conocimiento y Difusión de la Cultura de Género en la Escuela” and “FRID@: creación de recursos digitales para la coeducación en infantil y primaria”.
She participates as researcher in other projects: “Calidad Relacional, Inmersión Digital y Bienestar Social desde una Perspectiva de Género. Una Aplicación de las Redes Sociales Online en la Mujer Rural Andaluza”.
She is author of various articles, books and book chapters about research methodologies, gender equity and Emotions and Online Learning.
Nélson Zagalo
Nelson Zagalo is an Assistant Professor at the University of Minho, Braga, Portugal.
He concluded a PhD in Sciences and Communication Technologies at the University of Aveiro in 2007.
He has published 9 articles in scientific journals and 38 papers in proceedings of events, has 11 book chapters and 5 books published. Has 4 softwares and other 76 items of technical production.
He participated in 22 events abroad and 20 in Portugal.
Directed 20 dissertations and co-directed three in the areas of Communication Sciences, Arts and Computer Science.
Received 5 awards/honours. Between 2004 and 2008 he participated in two European research projects.
Currently is involved in 5 research projects, and coordinates two of these.
Operates in the areas of Communication Sciences, Computer Sciences and Arts. In his professional activities has interacted with 50 researchers in co-authorship of scientific papers.
In his curriculum the most frequent terms in the context of scientific, technological and artistic-cultural are: video games, digital content, film, new media, communication, interactivity, emotion, HCI, and virtual reality.
Ruth Colvin Clark
Applying Evidence-based Instructional Methods
Are you wasting resources on instructional myths? Do your learning environments reflect the most recent research evidence? In this session we will review two popular training myths and replace them with evidence-based guidelines on the best use of visuals, text and audio. We will see how these guidelines manage cognitive load during instruction. Finally we will review the latest evidence on games for learning. The presentation is based on Ruth Clark’s newly published 2nd Edition of Evidence-based Training.
Ruth Colvin Clark has focused her professional efforts on bridging the gap between academic research in instructional methods and practitioner application of that research.
She has developed a number of seminars and written 7 books including Evidence-based Training Methods, e-Learning and the Science of Instruction and Building Expertise that translate and illustrate important research programs for organizational training professionals.
A science undergraduate, Ruth completed her doctorate in Instructional Psychology/ Educational Technology in 1988 at University of Southern California.
Ruth is a Past President of the International Society of Performance Improvement and a member of the American Educational Research Association.
Ruth has been honored with the 2006 ISPI Thomas F. Gilbert Distinguished Professional Achievement Award for outstanding and significant contributions to the knowledge base of human performance technology.
Ruth is currently a dual resident of Southwest Colorado and Phoenix Arizona and divides her professional time among consulting, teaching, and writing.