Call for papers
- Hits: 3086
Authors may submit original papers addressing revisions of the state of the art research and new perspectives, solutions and/or applications to real problems, empirical studies and/or assessment, case studies, among others, that fit the themes of the Congress.
Type of Papers
Four type of papers can be submitted:
Full paper: Work completed or consolidated on Research & Development covering the themes of the congress. These articles will have a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 pages. The authors will have 15 minutes for the presentation and 5 to 10 minutes for its discussion.
Short paper: Work in progress, but with preliminary results relevant to be discussed. These articles will have a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 pages. The authors will have 10 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for its discussion.
Poster: Early stage works, but with relevant ideas to be presented and discussed in 30-minutes sessions. Authors should submit an abstract with a maximum of 350 words.
Symposium: The organization of a symposium involves a panel of presenters to discuss a topic. The people within the panel should work together in the proposed topic and questions for discussion. It has a maximum duration of 90 minutes. This format requires only the submission of abstracts of each intervention within the panel, which should not exceed 350 words.
Guidelines for Paper Submission
All papers will be subject to "blind review" by at least two members of the Scientific Committee. In this case, the identification of the authors should be omitted. Plus, names, affiliations and references shall not appear in the original version. This information should only be included in the final version of the paper. Submitted papers must not be published or under review for any other conference or national or international publication.
All papers must follow the formatting rules of the Congress Style Guide, to be recorded in DOC format, and written in Portuguese, Spanish or English. The articles will only be submitted for review if all requirements are met.
All works must be submitted online. Click the Article Submission option in the menu to access as author (to become available soon).
The accepted papers will be published in Digital Proceeding of the Congress (with ISBN), provided that at least one author has registered at the Event, the paper complies with the format defined, and does not exceed the maximum number of pages provided. Additionally, the authors of papers receiving recommendations to amend their papers shall follow the same before sending the final version.
For each registration shall be published no more than two papers. The authors of the best papers will be invited to publish them in the Paper Proceeding Book that will be submitted for indexation in EBSCO, ISI and SCOPUS.