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Keynote sepakers
Keynote 2 - Maria Ángeles Rebollo
Welcome to the III International Congress on ICT and Education - ticEDUCA2014, a biennial event carried out since 2010, in Lisbon, by the Institute of Education of Lisbon University.
It is with great pleasure that we invite all national and international academic community to participate in this event, which takes place on the 14-16, November, 2014.
This congress is a forum for reflection and sharing of research in the field of Digital Technologies in Education, directed to all the people that work in education and training. The congress will also welcome students of Bachelor, Master and Doctorate who work on this area.
Therefore, we challenge teachers, researchers and students to submit papers, which will be evaluated in a blind review by the members of the Scientific Committee. The approved papers will be presented by the authors in thematic sessions, discussed between peers, and published in the proceedings of the Congress.
The main theme of ticEDUCA2014 is "Online Learning" and has the following sub-themes (no ranking):
Theme 1: Formal and Informal Learning Environments and Technologies
Theme 2: Computer Mediated Communication, Relationships and Expression of Emotions Online
Theme 3: Digital Technologies and Professional Development
Theme 4: eLearning in Higher Education and Vocational Training
Theme 5: Technologies and Special (Educational) Needs
The event's Keynote speakers are four relevant personalities in national and international scientific community (listed in alphabetical order):
Diana Laurillard (UK)
Maria Ángeles Rebollo Catalán (Spain)
Nelson Zagalo (Portugal)
Ruth Colvin Clark (USA)